Spirit Baby Speaks

Uncover sweet musings from your baby’s soul to support your conception, pre or post natal journey through transmissions or conversations with Q & A’s.

Spirit baby reading

Through intimate 1-1 conversation, be blessed with your Spirit Baby's insight to any blocks that may be preventing their conception and guidance on how to personally connect with them, with energy healing to remove belief patterns holding you back. Receive channelled messages delivered with love, sharing elements of past lives, karmic connections, birthing experiences, and mission templates swirled together that will clarify your current chapter and illuminate your next step to prepare for their arrival earthside. Held with space for open Q&A for you to communicate freely and receive the answers you deeply desire.

1.5 HOUR video call £260

10 minute transmission

Direct stream of channelled messages highlighting key foundations your Spirit Baby wants you to know about themselves and current influences on their conception to assist you in welcoming them in your wombspace. Discover what signs they have been sending you and the most harmonic name vibration that resonates with them.

Please allow up to 7 days for delivery. If you require an accessible written format instead, please use the contact form to connect.

10 Minute audio file £60

Matriarch mentorship

Your very own crystalline channel of communication calls you from beyond the void in the blissful abyss of the spirit baby realm. Journey through initiatory activations and attunements to re-awaken your inherent resonance to the vibration of your spirit baby and pull back the veil on the conscious connection awaiting you. Their voice is so sweetly within your reach…

5 steps to connect with your spirit baby - free download

Get instant access to your simplified free guide to start communicating with your Spirit Baby now