Womb Whispering

Womb illumination

Do you desire to reclaim your sovereignty, embody your intuitive feminine wisdoms, integrate your cyclical nature and lead life powered by the sensual creative potency of your wholly unified wombspace?

Our wombs are the portal to life, the gateway to all forms of creation. Traumatic experiences can lay heavy in this sacred space, stagnating dreams and desires by dulling and distorting the womb-heart thread that feeds life giving light to our passions.

Through blending ancient shamanic and future celestial wisdoms we illuminate the golden thread connection that births your dreams, simultaneously clearing ancestral patterns and rewriting the blueprint for your future.

Be led back to the voice of your womb. Can you hear it sing again?

Womb healings offered distantly support, but not limited to:

  • PCOS/Endometriosis/Amenorrhea/Menorrhagia

  • Sexual Trauma

  • Abortion

  • Miscarriage

  • Birth Trauma

  • Stillbirth

  • Infertility

  • Hysterectomy

  • Menopause

  • Womb and Vagina Disconnection/Shame/Guilt

Includes activation of your individual Womb Symbol and image for integration.

Every person’s journey is unique and so is every healing. Inclusive email consultations delicately discover the most aligned session offered for a distance healing with 60 minute 1-1 video call.


My heart gift to you

I witness your experience - past or present - and I honour your journey. It is with the greatest reverence I offer you The Munay-Ki 13th Rite of The Womb.

This energetic transmission of empowerment realigns you with your sovereign womb-state. From the ancient Q’ero shamans, in the spirit of Ayni and my ever expanding womb space, I share this attunement distantly with you for no cost - holding the prayer that your cosmic womb reconnection will set you free.

It’s time to reclaim your womb space.

£ With Love

Please note there is currently a 6 week waitlist.