Divinely Guided Plant Tonic
Divinely Guided Plant Tonic
Intricately woven, like golden thread, plant oils dance together to create the pure essence of your star family vibration. Awakening a magnetic call from your heart, a divinely guided blend sends a scent signal far into the cosmos, calling into alignment the attuned frequency of life.. Your Star soul child.
Each blend is individually channelled and curated, and brings guidance on how to use your oil to connect deeper with your baby and carry you both seamlessly through to your early days united on earth together. Infused with celestial and trans-dimensional healing that permeates with every use, the etheric healing each tonic holds can be activated through the channelled message delivered with it.
These blends can also be used during pregnancy, birth flow and after birth as they energetically assist in merging the vibration of birther and baby, holding a sacred space for a safe and smooth transition into the world.